
Emotional Pain & Trauma Require Counseling

For many veterans, living with trauma and emotional pain is a reality others don't necessarily understand. While many people experience trauma, the trauma veterans experience can differ in many ways. No matter what kind of trauma or emotional pain you are dealing with, counseling can help. This is what you need to know. Understanding Pain & Trauma The trauma associated with traumatic events can lead to feelings of anxiety and fear about the world. Read More 

4 Ways Open Adoption Benefits the Child

Choosing to adopt is a big decision and it's one that will change your life forever. It can give you the opportunity to expand your family and to give a child a chance to be cared for and loved. As you begin to explore the adoption process, you'll need to make some decisions. You'll want to decide if you plan to do an open adoption or if you want to have a closed adoption. Read More 

What Techniques Might Your Counselor Use to Address Sex Addiction?

If you suspect that you suffer from sex addiction, it is a good idea to see a counselor. They can help you come to terms with your addiction and employ tactics to be rid of your addictive behavior. But what tactics and techniques might they use in sex addiction counseling? Take a look: Identifying Your Triggers As with most addictions, sex addiction often involves triggers. These are events, emotions, or other situations that drive you to respond by engaging in the addictive behavior, which in your case is engaging in sexual acts. Read More 

Substance Abuse Treatment Services For Teenagers Struggling With Addiction

An addiction to drugs or alcohol can take hold when a person is young and impressionable. While some teenagers experiment with drugs or alcohol, others discover that they can't live without the substances. Continued abuse of drugs or alcohol leads to a need for teen substance abuse treatment. The National Institute of Drug Abuse reports that almost 21% of high school seniors have stated they used marijuana in the last month, while 1 in 5 teenagers have abused prescription drugs. Read More 

Coaching Tips For Succeeding As A Female Entrepreneur

Women are becoming entrepreneurs at a rapid pace, reducing the gender disparity that once dominated the business world. Female empowerment is a vital component to success as a business owner, and coaching can provide women with the motivation and encouragement they need to grow as a business owner and make it in a competitive field. Female entrepreneur empowerment coaching is motivating, offering the support women need to continue to learn, network, and become a leader in their field. Read More